One of the missed opportunities in home sale transactions is related to furnishings. Buyers, especially if it’s their first home or they are moving from somewhere smaller, often need more furniture than they have. Similarly, sellers may be downsizing or moving somewhere where new furniture is planned. They might love the chance to leave behind some larger items instead of paying to get rid of them.
How can buyers find out if sellers might be willing to leave (for free or a “used” price) certain pieces behind? How can sellers discover whether the buyers might be interested in having any of their no-longer-wanted items? ASK!! That’s right. Just request that your agent ask the other agent. My advice is to start out simply: just find out if the other party is interested. Then you can iron out details as far as prices. I recommend that you address this issue after any inspections or appraisal adjustments have been negotiated.
Sellers, please note: you must have the buyers’ permission to leave things. You can’t just decide that the old basement in the sofa or the pool table are too much of a hassle to move and just leave them. Remember, unless otherwise agreed to, anything not attached to the house is considered personal property and you are contractually obligated to remove it.
Buyers, please note: anything that you and seller agree to have stay with the house is going to be in “as-is” condition. So be prepared that there might be some scratches or dents.
So whether you are the seller or the buyer in a home sale transaction, don’t be shy! If there are things you would like to leave behind or things you would love to “inherit”, be sure to ask. What’s the worst that happens? The other party says no. But if they say yes…..it’s a win-win.
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