My daughter, Becca, recently graduated from college and decided to take a seven-week trip through southeast Asia before buckling down the the grind of “adulting”. She is going to spending a couple of days and one night at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand. From the looks of it, this one (unlike others) seems to be genuinely dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of the animals; they do not permit riding them, as this activity can damage their spines. The website explains that the sanctuary is “a joint initiative between members of the Karen hill-tribes and Chiang Mai locals who were concerned about the welfare of elephants” and guests are given traditional Karen-style shirts to wear while visiting.
I have always loved elephants (and have quite a collection of miniatures from all over the world) and wish I could be there with Becca. Knowing her, she’ll take a ton of pictures…I’ll post some on my Facebook page if she does!
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