I love flowers and my garden (which has very little sun) is both a source of enjoyment and the bane of my existence. Why? Because, inevitably, certain things don’t do well, others don’t look like I thought they would, and the reality always seems a far cry from what I’ve imagined. So, as a result, every fall, I pore over my flower catalogs and try to figure out what to plant so that I have the beautiful garden I want. I recently saw an ad for this online garden planner which allows you to choose from several different scenes/building types and see what it would actually look like if you planted three of this or 12 of that. It offers shrubs, grasses, perennials, bulbs and annuals. If you click on the question mark icon on any of the plants, you see a summary of its light requirements, size, bloom time, etc. There are filters so you can limit your search by zone, light requirements, plant size and other characteristics. You can even upload a picture of your own property to use as the backdrop for a completely personalized plan. I am going to try it out as it looks like a great way to start visualizing your garden for next spring.
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