Most people have heard of Fiverr, but, just in case you haven’t, you should know about it. It’s a website where people with all kinds of skills–graphic design, jewelry-making, painting, videography, resume-writing, counseling, on-line lessons, etc.–offer their services on an individual project basis. For example, let’s say you wanted a new logo designed for your business. You could go on Fiverr, type in “logo design” and then further restrict your search with criteria defining delivery time, price, language spoken by the service provider, etc. Then you can click on different listings to see example of their work and any other information they might have posted. You can contact them directly with questions and go from there. It’s a great option for one-time projects and the prices are hard to beat.
Note: While I’ve not had any negative experiences with it, there are people who have. So keep in mind that these services are usually not local, that you are not paying very much and try to do as much due diligence as you can before hiring a Fiverr provider.
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