When you buy a house, there are all kinds of logistics to manage and information to process. One thing that I encourage my buyers to do at the settlement table (if not before) is, assuming it hasn’t been a very contentious transaction, to ask the sellers for their list of service providers–from the person who mows the lawn and blows the leaves to the plumber electrician, HVAC guy or chimney sweep they’ve used. Why? Well, it’s a least a starting point if you need any of those services to have the names and contact info for people whom the seller trusted. What will you do, especially if you’re new to the area, when you realize there’s a pipe leaking? Sure, you can google “plumbers”, but you will have no idea who’s reliable, trustworthy or expensive. Second, all houses have idiosyncracies. Sometimes, you may either pay less (for a shorter service call) or even have better success with repairing a problem if the technician is already familiar with the house. If the HVAC contractor has serviced the heater for the last 11 years, he probably knows that you have to wiggle the knob to get the panel off, for example. So I always recommend asking for “the list”.
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Accessible Theme/Water Park
So this is a “feel good” post. Theme parks, like Great Adventure or Hershey park are selling “fun” and everyone deserves to have fun, right? Well, people with certain disabilities are often unable to experience the fun that theme parks offer. Beyond that, their exclusion from them adds insult to injury. Not only can they not enjoy participating, but they are pointedly reminded that they are different and “other”. I recently read about a theme park in Texas that was designed to accommodate disabled visitors as well as all other visitors. It’s called Morgan’s Wonderland and it was created by parents of a disabled girl who wanted her and others like her to be able to enjoy the same activities as “all the other kids” while not singling them out. From their website:
When it celebrated its grand opening April 10, 2010, Morgan’s Wonderland became the world’s first theme park designed with special-needs individuals in mind and built for everyone’s enjoyment. The completely wheelchair-accessible park features more than 25 elements including rides, playgrounds and other colorful attractions. From the very beginning, anyone with a special need has been admitted free of charge, no questions asked.
It has been so well -received that they are now opening a water park to complement it. They offer water-proof wheelchairs, lots of different splash pad experiences, floom rides and even an accessible pirate ship. I don’t know that I’ll ever find myself in Texas, but if I do, I might go see this place whose mission I very much admire.
Fireflies: A Philadelphian Birthright
I’m not a huge fan of Philadelphia’s hot, humid weather. However, I realize that the climate is responsible for creating a habitat perfect for fireflies (or lightening bugs, as my family always called them). I can’t imagine there are too many locals who don’t remember watching for and catching fireflies beginning in June. Even now, I will sit out on the porch after dinner and watch the dense bushes bordering my house for the first glow. I feel fortunate that our weather allows them to thrive. Actually, I should correct myself–there are actually more than 2,000 species of these beetles, but not all of them (including those that live in the western part of the country) glow. I recently read a Smithsonian article that explained that some glow green or orange (not just yellow)! Who knew? Did you know that their light is caused by a (very efficient) chemical reaction? They require an enzyme called luciferase to be present in order to bioluminesce (glow). This chemical has scientific value and while it is now being made synthetically, some research organizations still harvest live fireflies. While the specifics of how they glow and why (to attract mates or, in the larvae’s case, to discourage predators) are interesting, these facts can’t compare to the magic of seeing them on a darkening summer night. I feel very lucky to live in a place where they are the harbingers of summer. I would have been so disappointed not to have been able to share the wonder of lightening bugs with my kids.
Condos in Lower Merion are Losing Value
So, let me start by saying that almost every article I write for my newsletter or blog will have a link to an external published piece or website that supports my message. This one does not, as it is not only my own opinion, but, seemingly (because, yes, I DID google it to no avail), too location-specific to have been written about. So that means that my opinion cannot necessarily be corroborated with available data. Now that I’ve provided my disclaimer, here’s what I think: Most of the established condos in Lower Merion are declining in value and it’s due, in large part, to the exceptionally high condo fees. Many of these buildings are older and need fairly extensive renovation or just a lot of routine maintenance. The monthly fees are often more than the mortgages on some of the units and special assessments are becoming common. While many of the services offered (valet parking, help with groceries, complementary shuttle service to the supermarkets) are directed mainly at the more mature populations who tend to choose this lifestyle, those retirees are often on a fixed income which doesn’t mesh well with astronomical monthly condo fees. Their only option sometimes is to sell. A second factor which has resulted in yet more units being marketed for sale is that some of the buildings, due to negative experiences, have lowered the cap (or altogether removed the option) on the number of units that can be rented out by their owners. The upshot: no new investors are buying any of the available units, further reducing the potential pool of buyers. These buildings end up with several units for sale and very few sales. So sellers drop their prices and even then, sales don’t happen quickly. Taking the entire picture into account, these factors combine to create a drop in values which does not appear to be abating. Sad (for sellers), but true.
Jen LeBow’s Pizza Dough Recipe
Jen LeBow’s Pizza Dough
Combine and set aside:
1 t active dry yeast (like from a Fleischman’s packet)
1 ¼ cups warm (around 100°)
Let sit 15 minutes.
In bowl of stand mixer, combine:
4 cups flour
1 ½ t salt
1-2 t Italian seasoning
Using dough hook, beat on low speed while adding alternately:
¼ cup olive oil
Water/yeast mixture
Mix on low speed about 5-7 minutes, til dough is elastic.
Knead by hand another 2-3 minutes. Dough should be just slightly sticky.
Place dough in oiled bowl and cover. Let rise somewhere draft-free 1-2 hours.
Make pizza! (Roll out dough til it’s thin, put on whatever toppings you like and bake in 550° oven about 15 minutes.)
Canada’s Great Trail
Lots of families like to take vacations in the summer and plan to spend a lot of time outside. Sometimes, though, it’s too hot for that to be enjoyable. Here’s a suggestion: check out Canada’s Great Trail! Our northern neighbors enjoy cooler summer temperatures and beautiful natural scenery. It is about 90% complete at the moment and the goal is to have it fully connected by the end of this year. From coast to coast, it will cover 24,000 km of terrain–some paved, some dirt–that passes through wilderness, urban areas, waterways, towns, forests, and just about every other kind of landscape there is. It has been worked on by thousands of volunteers and is made possible through federal, provincial and private contributions. If you are bikers or hikers, I highly recommend looking into an excursion on the trail.
Philadelphia Water Works Was a Huge Tourist Attraction
After several yellow fever epidemics in the later 18th century, in 1799, city officials in Philadelphia (who thought the fever was caused by unclean water) formed a committee to design the country’s first municipal water system. The original design was fraught with problems, but, the second one, designed by John Davis and Frederick Graff, became the Philadelphia Water Works, whose iconic Greek Revival architecture remains a tourist draw even now. Begun in 1812, it’s decorative style was intended to hide its decidedly industrial function. While visitors wanted to understand how this new engineering marvel worked, many people came to see it for its beauty and location along the river. It attracted so many, in fact, that it became the second largest tourist attraction in the U.S., only topped by Niagra Falls! (Notice the water theme here?)
On the site of the current Philadelphia Museum of Art, a reservoir holding three million gallons of water was built and two steam engines operated the pumping system. A few years later, the dam that still spans the Schuylkill river was constructed to funnel water to a mill house. Wooden water wheels replaced the steam engines and so effectively moved the water that watching them work was a highlight of a trip to the Water Works. Later, turbines replace the water wheels and the mill house was modernized to match advances in the industry. Over the years, the Water Works grew to be a destination in itself with promenades, formal gardens and sculptures creating an outdoor space along the river that appealed to local residents and visitors alike. Its hey day was from around 1830-1850 and in 1860, the first boathouse was built as the pooling effect from the dam created a perfect sculling environment. Even once the Water Works became obsolete (and closed in 1909), it was not abandoned. It became the Philadelphia Aquarium in 1911 and remained so until it closed in 1962.
Today, a restaurant occupies the space above the river, but the inner workings of the most recent version of this engineering masterpiece have been refurbished and tours are available explaining how the system worked. The classical architecture ensures that the Water Works is a very visible part of the river’s edge, much like the boathouses just beyond, which wouldn’t have existed without it. A fairly recent project on the other side of the river built a skateboard park and other walking/biking trails that connect to the original promenade, making it a destination for residents and visitors alike, just as it was 200 years ago.
What to do on your pre-settlement walk through
So it’s the day before settlement and you’re meeting your agent at the house that will soon be yours for the “pre-settlement walk through”. What are you supposed to be doing, though? Well, the first thing is to be sure to have the executed addendum with you that details any items the seller agreed to repair or replace and check that those repairs have been made. What else? Look for evidence of any new problems–roof leaks, broken windows, damage cause by the sellers moving their belongings out. Do your best to test appliances. That means check that the oven, stove, microwave, dishwasher, garbage disposal and washer and dryer work (if you can–if the owners are still there and have clothes in the washer, then don’t!). I always encourage buyers to flush toilets, run water in sinks and showers and peek under sinks looking for leaks and make sure that water is draining well. Test the heat and air conditioning, if feasible. Check the garage doors are working. Some people test all the door locks and the windows to be sure they open and close properly. Make sure that anything that was supposed to remain as per your agreement of sale or later addenda are there (playset? kitchen counter stools?) and that there’s nothing left the owners should have taken (old paint in the basement? pool table?). These are some of the basics. If there’s anything else that you are particularly concerned about, check it! Let your agent know if there’s anything amiss so that it can get addressed prior to settlement.